The domain is owned and operated by Motorrad Garage, BN 10655967. Our website operates under the strict laws of Western Australia regarding online transactions and sharing of information on the Internet.
Visitors are allowed to use/or copy information or material on this website only for personal reference. All information contained within our website is not to be reproduced in any way for any other purpose without our written consent. Motorrad Garage makes no representation on the accuracy of the information placed on our website.
Our online shop is protected by an SSL Certificate to safeguard the information submitted by our customers via the web browser. It should be noted however, that whilst measures of protecting your information have been taken there is always an inherent risk associated when providing personal information online and you do this at your own risk. Users should be aware there the potential does exist that unknown us, transactions may be viewed, or intercepted by a third party. This includes all emails, passwords, or anything you enter in our website. If you have doubts about our security features and you wish to have a more secure way to place your order, you can do it via fax or phone. This website uses “cookies” to improve your browsing experience. Cookies are pieces of information, which can be stored by your browser. The use of our website is obligational and by visiting the website you are accepting all responsibility for actions and interactions within our website.
At Motorrad Garage we respect your privacy. The information collected from you via our website is used to process, ship & track your order and contact you if required. We use Australia Post eParcel for our shipping, which requires us to enter your name, address, phone and email details into their online module.
We do not pass your details on to any other third party.
Credit card details collected when purchasing via our shopping cart are not kept on file and are not visible to us.
By reading our Terms & Conditions and continuing your transactions with us, you are agreeing to all policies mentioned above. Motorrad Garage cannot be held responsible if there are any problems with breach of privacy. If you wish to get a better view of our services, feel free to call us and we will gladly explain to you how our business works.